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Donela Orange Primary School - Kakooge

Located about 30 miles from Bombo, Kakooge is one of the more impoverished towns in which we serve. The lack of education and employment opportunities as well as spiritual poverty have led to rampant problems throughout the community including spousal and child abuse, substance abuse and prostitution.

Donela Kakooge was established in 2010, holding classes in rented space from the Town Council. Soon after we raised funds to purchase land and construct the school facilities. These buildings serve not only as the school, but also as the church on Sundays.

At one time Donela Kakooge had over 400 students. However, due to a variety of difficulties including high staff turnover, the school currently has about 140 students. Donela Schools decided to move some of the administrative staff from Bombo to Kakooge to bring stability and energy to the School. Previously the Headteacher in Bombo, Jennifer Lokol now serves as Headteacher in Kakooge. Mrs. Lokol brings school leadership experience along with a passion to see her students thrive. Mrs. Lokol is married to Angello Lokol who serves as the head pastor of Kakooge Pentecostal Church, and together they are raising two little girls. We are excited to watch Mrs. Lokol bring the same academic success to Donela Kakooge that she helped cultivate at Donela Bombo.

Angelo and Jennifer
Pastor Angello and Kakooge Headteacher Jennifer Lokol

Donate to Paint Donela Schools

Once again we are blown away by God's faithfulness showing up through you, our generous donors! We were contacted by one of our supporters last month in response to our story on everything needed to bring the Donela Schools up-to-speed after the Covid-19 shutdown. This family has graciously offered to pay for MOST of the projects which includes fencing as well as upgrades to the kitchens, latrines and classrooms. Thank you Lord!

The only project remaining is the repainting of all three schools which should cost around $14,000 USD. Upon hearing the news, another family has offered to do a matching campaign, and will match any donation for the painting of the school up to $7,000. As Bishop Alex says every time we visit Uganda, "God is good - ALL the time!"
If you would like to contribute to the match for painting the Donela Schools, please click here. All donations received for Donela Schools in June will be used toward the painting of the schools.

Align International and our BPC Partners thank you for your faithful support!

Wobulenzi School Campus

A BIG thanks to our friends at Zoo-phonics!

During the next trip to Uganda, our team will bring updated tools and resources for teaching English to all three Donela schools. Dr. Char Wrighton, who started Zoo-phonics with Gigi Bradshaw and Irene Clark, shared the following story: "When God gave my sister Gigi the concept of Zoo-phonics, He clearly said to her, “If they cannot read, they cannot read My Word.” Zoo-phonics was born!" We are so grateful these three women followed through on their God-given vision - this has helped the children read the Bible from an early age. Zoo-phonics has also had a profound impact in teaching students how to quickly learn English at an early age which has established the Donela School as the best primary school in Bombo.

We ask for prayer that all these gifts and resources may bless those who receive them, and remind them of the faithfulness of our gracious God.
